Below are famous opinions of people opposing or supporting death penalty. Which notable figure influenced your view about this matter?
"To take a life when a life has been lost is revenge, not justice."—Desmond Tutu (South African Archbishop & Nobel Laureate)
"The death penalty is the special and eternal sign of barbarity."— Victor Hugo (French Poet, Novelist, & Dramatist)
"Death penalty is inadmissible, an attack on the person's inviolability and dignity." —Pope Francis (Head of Roman Catholic Church)
"Returning violence for violence multiplies violence."—Martin Luther King (American Baptist Minister & Social Activist)
"I am against the death penalty because the light of God is in everyone."—Sister Helen Prejean (Author & Anti-Death Penalty Activist)
"The death penalty is a barbaric act."—Nelson Mandela (Former President of South Africa & Anti-Apartheid Activist)
“When you’re hurting thousands and thousands of young children, you should get the right punishment.”—Jackie Chan
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